
I have a real important question... I really want to sell my soul for fame and fortune is it even possible ?

I’m not afraid of anything and I maybe ask if Astral projection may speed up the process ?

The answer is no, just gonna tell you that right now.

That and seeing so little value of yourself, I can tell you you may wish to see help or guidance.

Who you going to sell it to?

What is it with people wanting to sell their souls to the Devil this week? I mean there usually one person heeled and there that gets this idea in their heads….but this week it’s been se real people.

It used to be against the rules to post this kind of question, but when I updated them months ago, I removed that rule. Now I’m starting to see why that rule was originally in place.

Nothing truly good will come from this imho. It’s all an illusion…a big fat lie wrapped in a “shiny box covered in diamonds 💎”. The reality comes AFTER you make the deal….after you’ve given up the one part of you that gives you freedom and free will. What you DO gain is eternity….that’s literally forever…in Hell once you die.

Nothing truly good will come from this imho. It’s all an illusion…a big fat lie wrapped in a “shiny box covered in diamonds 💎”. The reality comes AFTER you make the deal….after you’ve given up the one part of you that gives you freedom and free will. What you DO gain is eternity….that’s literally forever…in Hell once you die.

Source: undefined

Selling your soul to demons or the “devil” is Christian propaganda. They don’t want it, nor could you actually give it away.

Why are you on a demonology forum if it’s propaganda? Go to Christ brother ❤️

Source: Emoji

Lol! That is NOT Christian propaganda! That’s part of the big fat lie I that the Devil wants us all to believe though.

I can tell you in all honesty that honestly ALL of the cases/accounts I’ve read from people who’ve sold their soul to the Devil/demons….they’ve never ended well…not at all!

It’s definitely real and you will definitely fuck your life up. Don’t do it.

Astral projection has nothing to do with it